Saturday, February 5, 2011


THE GOOD:  Guadelaura (sp) Restaurant's amazing service ! Benettis Minestrone soup. Coos Bay's mild winters and never-too-hot summers.
THE BAD:  The stupid waste of money spent on the disappointing Boardwalks...North Bend and Coos Bay's.  Couldn't they have at least added a cafe? a Restroom? A little cute gift shop? Something!
THE UGLY:  Albertson's customer service. The "hollering place" corner. North Bend Lanes.

It's easy to whine about this stuff....not so easy to motivate change around here, huh....I better get crackin' !!


  1. Oh so you noticed the rudeness at Albertson's too huh?

  2. OH boy...that's the saddest grocery store on the west coast...they (employees) seem soooooo pissed off all the time....they are always, always rude. Must be the
